Career Coaching Package

Are you stuck in an unfulfilling job? Do you feel confused or lost in your career? Do you question if you’re following the right career path? Are you working so hard that you have no time for yourself or family? Are you struggling with workplace stress & fatigue? Or would you like to create more life-work balance?

If any of these resonate with you, it doesn’t have to be this way.

BOOK a FREE 30 minute consultation

YOU are the true meaning and purpose of your life, not what you do. Be guided by your true self, your higher calling, to create personal growth and sustainable career success.

Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life

I offer comprehensive career and business coaching to enable clients to find happiness in their work, balance in their life and at ease with their whole being.

Using a combination of exercises and practical tools and techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy, Energetic Healing, Breath Work and Mindfulness, I will help you get really clear and focused on your career path.

Together we’ll establish your strengths, passions, interests and goals to make sure your career, whether it’s where you’re at now or where you need to be, is absolutely perfect for you. For us to succeed in life we have to create strong, meaningful foundations and align our life with our heart. 

EVERYONE has the OPPORTUNITY to THRIVE. BOOK a FREE Clarity Consultation today?

I will help you:

  • Evaluate your skills, values and strengths

  • Gain more confidence and clarity

  • Eliminate fears, feeling stuck and imposter syndrome

  • Believe in yourself

  • Work though self-sabotage and limiting beliefs

  • Be mentally and emotionally resilient

  • Have a fulfilling career that’s fully aligned with who you are

  • Make better decisions, stop doubting yourself and your career choices

  • Establish practical steps to help you restore energy and vitality to healthy levels

  • Take daily steps to ensure you achieve a healthy life-work balance



This package consists of 6 sessions (to be taken over 3 months), ad hoc questions, support and advice and in-between accountability. Not sure if this is for you? Let’s have a conversation, you can a book a clarity call with me to explore your options.

This package includes

  • Initial Conversation (risk-free first session to ensure compatibility of working together)

  • 6 x Coaching Session (or AD HOC sessions can work, but customised packages are better for lasting success and accountability).

  • Follow up call at the end of the 6 sessions.

  • Personal contact details for ad hoc questions and accountability.

  • THRIVE Wellness Within Action Plan

I N V E S T M E N T : £666 or instalment payment plan is also available.

Limited spots available, if you’re interested in applying to work together, please click the button below…


Who I work with…

From Mark

It has been life-changing to reflect on what I really want, make progress, and take practical steps to achieve it.

From Natasha

Working with Suzi has truly been both thought-provoking and life-changing. She gently pushes you out of your comfort zone and encourages you to shift your perspective in remarkable ways. Before long, my entire life had changed significantly; I felt safe to take meaningful risks, was continuously supported, and provided with the accountability I needed to effectively transform my circumstances.

 A L L C O A C H I N G P A C K A G E S

Coaching Intensive | 3 Month Coaching Package | Thrive at Work